Monday, August 17, 2009

Taylor Swift, "You Belong with Me"

This music video starts out with Taylor Swift in her bedroom, well she is actually an ugly Taylor Swift because she has glasses and her hair is up which is clearly and ugly thing to do. So she sitting in her room, and from her bedroom she can see into the bedroom of her good looking neighbor. While he is on the phone she is just staring at him and then the talk to each other with big pieces of paper which is cute but also a waste of paper. Way to be environmental Taylor Swift, just wasting paper all over the place, think of all those trees that you are killing so you can talk to your attractive neighbor, maybe an erase board would be better, or the phone, or going outside because you live next to each other. But anyway then she has an identity crisis and changes all her clothes a bunch of times which has no connection to the song at all but I guess she just wanted to show everyone how she can play dress up. While she's dancing around her room to the song she singing in her head, hot neighbor looks through his window and creeps too! Whaaaa???
Which also shows that Taylor Swift did not close the curtains the whole time she was changing her persona, basically asking to be creeped on.
The next scene is the homely Taylor Swift "sitting on a park bench" reading, because I guess that's what good looking people pretending to be ugly people do. Hot neighbor shows up and they talk a little then but bitchy girlfriend of hot neighbor pulls up in her wig and nice car. And guess who bitchy girlfriend is??? Also Taylor Swift!!!!
This just makes it so Taylor gets the guy in the end anyway no matter if evil of homeliness prevails. But anyway, don't you think good looking neighbor would notice that his girlfriend looks exactly like his ugly neighbor with a wig and no glasses. I mean bitchy girlfriend does have a lot of makeup on but really, all of us can see it, why can't you?
Next all three of them are at a football game but ugly Taylor Swift is in the band, because again that is obviously what ugly people do. While her hot neighbor is catching footballs left and right she is serenading him but not with her clarinet. Don't the other band members get pissed when she just decides to go rogue like that and sing random songs that she made up, it probably really messes up their ensemble.
Well then there's a dance, the climax of every high school music video, and hot neighbor asks, on paper, if Taylor Swift is going but she's probably doing something ugly, yup, she can't because she's studying, something pretty people just don't do. But because attractive neighbor says he wishes she could go, she throws her studying and ugliness aside and becomes pretty and goes to the dance, where bitchy girlfriend in a slutty ass dress puts up one last fight but loses to their cute "I love you" tree killing pieces of paper.

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